There have been times in the past where I felt I was just going where the money was. What I mean is, I was following jobs that promised me money but it was clearly not what I was called to do. It was in front of me saying ‘hey I have a lot of money to pay you to do this job’.
Has anyone else felt this pull?
This pull to do a job, a task, an opportunity that entices you with money. But the task, job, opportunity itself does not resonate with you.
I have struggled with this pull all my life. It is obvious when I look back at all the jobs I have had. From a well-paid call center job to an English teaching job where I had to drive so far to make money. I know this idea of pursuing jobs for money has been ingrained in me. As most ideas in our lives become conditioned into our brains from our families even from our ancestors.
Think about how your grandparents grew up and how their parents lived their lives. Those ideas on surviving through the hard times of the past, get passed down from generation to generation energetically, physically and behaviorally.
Like the famous quote, ‘Show me the money’ from the movie Jerry Maguire, if you don’t enjoy the job that you are asking to ‘show you the money’, you will never be in alignment with your purpose. FYI, Your higher self is not and will NEVER be focused on the money.
We follow that path out of fear. Fear we won’t pay the bills. Fear we won’t be able to be happy with less. We are steered towards the easy way. Where can I work and just make money to feed myself and my family? The necessities of life will be fulfilled with this job. We don’t feel that if we step out of the comfort of a 9 to 5 job that we could survive. If we start our own business or taking the chance and moving to another country to experience the world, we believe we will inevitably fail. Because really, who does that? Society tells you that. The fear is evident whenever you go against the norm.
Nobody wants to feel that pain of failure or loss of failing at a business or coming back home after living abroad. That feeling of going backward or losing money or flat out not being happy anymore, makes our mind go to that state of failure.
Think about it. Everyone who has started a business has failed. Everyone who has moved abroad eventually moves back home. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t moving forward. The fact that you even tried is something big in and of itself. The idea of failing is inevitably going to happen, but that is how you grow and evolve.
Some myths that come up in my mind about taking the leap:
It won’t work for me as it did for them, they were successful.
I probably won’t do well.
I will lose money.
I won’t have any customers.
Someone is already doing it better, why should I try?
Who wants to work with me?
What happens when our thoughts start to take the negative exit of ‘I am not good enough’?
We start working at jobs where it doesn’t resonate with our beings. We take jobs that give us money only. No peace of mind, no joy, no encouragement to change. We stay in a place where it is comfortable. We don’t think about ourselves but think about providing for our family and lose sight of what is right for us because it is easier.
You tell this safe story.
No one will judge me if I stay where I am. I won’t have to explain myself if I stay here. I don’t like confrontation so I won’t express my ideas in this meeting.
We end up shortchanging ourselves just to stay safe and comfortable.
What would it look like if we showed up in the arena? What if we showed up and told our story? What if we took a chance on ourselves? What if YOUR story is what someone needs to hear right now? What if what you are offering, for example, a yoga retreat, a therapy session or simply taking someone through meditation, is something that someone needs from you? Would you pursue that need?
I am telling you that what you want to share with the world is needed. The world needs you! Don’t hold back in what truly makes your heart sing. I am telling you from experience.
For years, I have been following the norm of working the 9 to 5 and following the road that promised money at the end, not prosperity just money. Not happiness or joy, just money. There is a difference.
All those jobs and careers I followed because of the money turned out to be a burden. It turned me into an angry person. I noticed how I treated the people around me. I was irritable, annoyed, picked fights with my husband. I was not happy at all levels.
Choose to be happy.
Choose to follow your path.
Choose to be yourself.
You have the power.
Because you are in the arena, taking the punches and jabs from life and you are daring to shine your light for all to see. Shine your light because when you do that, others will see it and want to shine just as bright as you.
Our retreats are created with love and light, helping people find their purpose and stick to telling their story and shining their light for all to see. I hope you join us!
Love & Light,